The WPMF is an opportunity to:

6th World Project Management Forum Meet on “The Project Economy : How to Thrive in A World Driven by Change”

Project mindset

   Combine our thoughts to bring a continual change to create a 'project mindset' at a global level.

World economy

   Demonstrate the recognition for each other irrespective of the size of the economy. We are after all, part of
   the same whole - planet earth


   To look at project management within the overall framework of change and sustainability of our own planet.

Front End

   Evolve best and next practices in recognising the Front End efforts in project creation.

Stakeholders Joy

   Evolve vision realisation to project creation to project delivery and to benefit realisation with
  optimisation of stakeholders joy.

In 1992 Centre for Excellence in Project Management (CEPM) organised the 1st international Conference in Project Management in association with UNDP which laid the foundation for scientific project management in India

WPMF Meet on 16-17 December 2024, New Delhi, India