In view of the dramatic changes happening in all fields encompassing technogical advancements, for better living conditions for the society at large, freedom of expression, handling complex trade and commerce transactions, it is logical evolution of having project management community come on a platform lifting themselves to higher level of strategic plane and far away from the narrow boundaries of profit and market share in terms of certification and allied products.

Thus, the idea of initiating of World Project Management Forum (WPMF) emerged. In March, 2019, Adesh Jain consulted some of the thought leaders from all over the world and based on an extremely enthusiastic response and encouragement from 147 professionals, it became clear that we need a forum for project professionals to assemble to collaborate, discuss and evolve the sustainable strategies to manage the VUCA (Volatile – Uncertain- Complex- Ambiguous) environment.

WPMF is a modest beginning to bring the world leaders together to create unity in the diversity of thoughts and vision with a clear understanding that while meeting the demands of the present generation, the ability of the future generations in fulfilling their own aspirations must not be compromised.

In 1992 Centre for Excellence in Project Management (CEPM) organised the 1st international Conference in Project Management in association with UNDP which laid the foundation for scientific project management in India

WPMF Meet on 16-17 December 2024, New Delhi, India